Review- Demonata: Hell's Heroes

Hell's Heroes, well...WHERE DO I START?
This book is the conclusion to the phenomenal Demonata series, by the award winning author of Cirque Du Freak, Darren Shan.
If you have read Cirque Du Freak, you will most definitley DEVOUR Darren Shan's Demonata Series. The series follows three main characters Bec, Grubbs, and Kernel, and their adventures fighting demons and kicking demonata A**! Well, that was a very vague description but I assure you the series is definitlery worth reading. Hell's Heroes was the conclusion to this spectacular series. Here is the official description.
Beranabus and Dervish are gone. Bec has formed an unholy alliance with Lord Loss. Kernel is blind, held on Earth against his will. Grubbs is mad with grief and spinning out of control.
The demons are crossing.
The Disciples are falling.
The Shadow is waiting.
Welcome to the end.
EPIC RIGHT!? I WAS SO EXCITED TO READ THIS CONCLUSION! The book follows the troubles of losing their mentors Dervish and Berananbus and dealing with arguments amongst themselves and the war with the demons. It all leads to a huge finale and amazing ending! This book was 5 STARS (out of 5). The story deals with so many problems and conflicts it all ties up so well and is very climatic. The WAR IS HERE! In the story, Grubbs rips out Kernel's eyes so he cannot leave the Earth. Bec has made an alliance with Lord Loss, is she too becoming a demon? Grubbs is going insane, spinning out of control because of his new werewolf emotions, he can't control himself. The story is fast paced and aventurous, full of plot twists and lots of amazing cliffhanger chapter endings. It leads to an amazing EXLPOSIVE (literally) ending!
Hell's Heroes starts off with the scene of Dervish dying on top of the small disciple headquarters cave. Grubbs is trying to resist tears, I WAS TRYING TO RESIST TEARS. We lost an amazing, kind, hilarious, strong character. It was tragic it was insane, it was an amazing start to an amazing finale.
We than lead to one of MANY Earth fights against demons. Basically the whole world knows of the excistence of Demonata, it's very sad. The world is terrified of the war going on, thousands are dying, and all hope is lost. Basically it is prophesized that Grubbs will end the world (terrible huh?) It's so sad and upsetting. I wish it wasn't so tragic! Kernel is pissed off at Grubbs, he HATES Grubbs for ripping out his eyes, he goes through it all the time! Kernel is upset and trying hard to deal with his blindness and the war raging around him. Soon Grubbs has a shocking dream, showing Bo Kooniart in it! At first I was saying Bo Kooniat? Who the heck is that? Than I thought and remembered, SHE WAS THE ACTRESS FROM SLAWTER! It was so sad to see her tortured and watch Bec help! Than it leads to tons of demon fighting etc etc etc....more demon fighting etc etc etc...and finally they go to Lord Loss's Realm! They get there and free the prisoners which is very happy until only moments later, they reach Lord Loss and Bec. (OH AND KIRILLI IS FINALLY BRAVE!) Bec must prove herself to Lord Lardass (woops I meant Loss :D ) Bec takes the ORIGINAL BOARD (glorius) and destroys thousands of human lives within it, bringing Death back to life... (that doesn't sound right?) It was terrifying, to see the hatred in Bec's eyes, from then on I was CONVINCED she was pure evil. When they fight and leave Kernel knows it's too late to win so he goes dangerously to Atlantis to meet the Old Creature to ask if they will help. Raz (old creature) says no (WHAT A JERK) and than realizes Bec has come! It all changes now, I was convinced everybody would die, it was over, nothing would be happy. The decide to go back to Earth and while there fight demons for what seems like FOREVER... (did I mention earlier they destroyed the lodestone....guess not)
Well, eventually they go to a huge tunnel and fight Lord Lard (man I make that mistake alot) and Bec. They fight eachother and than finally Kernel and Grubbs decide to use the full Kah Gash to kill Bec and Lord Loss. With the power, Bec compeltes it and winks at them. The wink is kind though, so I was somewhat relieved. THe whole universe EXPLDOESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LITERALLY EXPLODESSS!!!!!!!!!! I was SHOCKED and moments before the explosion I nearly cried to death from the death of Shark and Kirilli (I LOVE THOSE GUYS!!!!!) Soon we find out the universe ended and everything is over but Bec was simply playing a game the whole time and pretending to be evil really she was tricking Death. All three of the Kah Gash fully become the Kah Gash and travel the universe the reshape it and spend eternity doing so. It was happy for me since all the dead characters were allowed to come back to life. I was SHOCKED nearly all the demons were wiped out except for Lord Loss. (DEVIOUS LITTLE DEMON) but it made sense why he had to be the role model for evilll....but still, makes me angry.
The ending was very good and not dissapointing, for me it didn't end amazingly happy but still AMAZING to me. I thought it was a clever and wonderful way to end the series and I was extremely satisfied KUDOS TO YOU Darren Shan, you've done it again.
(WoW that was a longggggg blog spot: kinda)
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